Category: Uncategorized
New Comic
I’m back!
Poor poor putty cat. He’s running forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever. I’m back! YES! 🙂 I am back! And with a new Scratch project. It took me about 3 days, but take out half of the first day and…
Zoo Class
I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a long time. Well, I went to the zoo class and one of my friends was there. His name is Zachary. He’s one of my best friends there. The exhibit today was about snakes. The weird thing was when we were watching a snake eating a mouse there was…
Another photo
Photo from the Michael C. Carlos museum photo workshop for youth held with Kathryn Kolb.
Photo from Photography Workshop
photo from the Michael C. Carlos museum photo workshop for youth held with Kathryn Kolb.
Another photo from the photography workshop
Another photo from the Michael C. Carlos museum photo workshop for youth held with Kathryn Kolb.
Photo Workshop at Serenbe Photography Center
I had fun at the photography workshop.. This is the photo I printed out. Mom’s note: The photography workshop with Kathryn Kolb was hosted by the Michael C. Carlos museum. One Sunday was spent taking photos and then the next was an outing down to the Serenbe Photography Center where the kids experienced working in…
Photos screen capture
I was at a photography workshop today. These are the shots I took.
Chinese Cultural Center
Went to watch my cousin rehearse at the Chinese Cultural Center. That was fun.