Category: 2009 Scratch
Sonic Dungeon Intro
I have a new Scratch animation up!
Sonic the Hedgehog Game
Click to go to my new Sonic the Hedgehog game at Scratch.
Sonic 3
I found the music and drew the heads and wrote the script for this Scratch project. The original project you just stared at pictures but it had the penguin film and I liked it. The story is, one day as Sonic was running through the Ice Cap Zone, Knuckles The Bum kicked him into the…
Sonic the Hedgehog RPG
This is a little game where you fight against monsters. I did a lot of things. This is a remix but I did all the graphics for the enemies and the battle background and the players. Originally it was a quiz game on the human body. Unfortunately you can’t play it unless you log into…
My Nightmare
This is a remix of another project where instead someone was chased by a banana. In mine it’s the Tails Doll. I drew every Tails Doll in it and redid some of the backgrounds. I did one small script at the end where you see a doll of one of my Scratch characters. It was…
My 3 D Nack
This is just a little thing I did where I made a 3d Nack.
Nack the Weasel
This is a little game like Donkey Kong. Like an arcade game or something. I did the Nack drawing in it. It’s not a remix! I wrote all the scripts for it.
New Scratch Project!
Sonic Drift
Sonic Drift is a remix I did. I changed the characters and did a music script. I also drew the characters. I don’t think you can play this unless you are logged in to Scratch and load it down.
Ghost Attack!!!
I put this new Scratch project up today. I wrote all the code for the animations in Scratch.