2006 clay animation, Vampires of the Night!

Vampires of the Night! This is a vampire video. This video is about robot going out at night. Inventor takes pictures and robot goes around acting curious. Then a vampire notices inventor taking pictures. It grabs him and robot kicks him. He is so angry. The vampire tries to make robot fall down the cliff and robot thinks about making the vampire fall down the cliff but doesn’t. The vampire is playing a pipe organ. Then he captures inventor and ties him on a stick and puts a cloth around his mouth and throws him over the cliff. But the inventor grabs onto a branch! Inventor climbs back up the cliff. Then there’s a monster hiding behind the bushes. It saw robot and took him. The vampire was thinking, “What a great day!” until the robot pops up with the inventor. The vampire tries to do violence but the robot made him fall over the cliff forever! From now on the vampire lives under the cliff. But unfortunately the vampire, living on the ground, can capture the robot and the inventor with his two monster plants. One of them tries to toss robot but robot was too heavy. The two plants argues saying the other one is so clumsy and then get into a big fight with each other. Then someone is spying them arguing! A two-eyed monster with a beak. The eyes are on antennae. Then inventor makes robot wear a female monster suit, which is funny. Then a red robotic fake monster bird arrives. Its beak pops off and a ball pops out and rolls toward the blue bird monster with the antennae eyes but it kicks it back to the red female robot bird monster and it explodes because it was TNT! Then robot makes the cliff fall on the vampire which makes him go splat like a pancake, and he becomes a pancake. Robot and the inventor go back home.

[flashvideo filename=http://www.idyllopuspress.com/movies2006/vampiresofthenight.flv width=500 height=374 image=flvpreview/vampirestitle.jpg /]

I don’t think I have the stills for this any more.







6 responses to “2006 clay animation, Vampires of the Night!”

  1. Oma Avatar

    H.o.p. I couldn’t get windows to pull up the movie, but I really liked the story. I’m so glad that the vampires were defeated! I wouldn’t want to eat that pancake, would you?

    Sunday I saw a movie about Helen Keller and thought of you because your Dad said you loved to read that book. Have you thought about doing your own story or movie about her?

    We missed you and Mom on Friday. I hope you liked your chocolate cake.

    I love you lots and lots! Oma

  2. cosmos Avatar

    Hi h.o.p. I’ve been absent awhile but glad you keep on working while i’m gone. This was one of your more dramatic ones. I too am glad the vampires didn’t win. Interesting that the plants could even get involved but they are alive too aren’t they. Then vampire ends up becoming a pancake. Hey almost sounds yummy now. This must have been a fun one. I’m sorry to say I wasn’t able to view the video either but I was able to visualize all of it from your vivid descriptions it was quite a long exciting story!
    Now i’m referring to Oma’s comment above: i didn’t know you liked Helen Keller. She certainly was a brave, very intelligent person. Have you thought anything about doing a movie about her like she asked? With your imagination you could bring her alive to other children who don’t know about her. Great idea!

  3. admin Avatar

    Oma, I’m starting to learn how to draw hair for my cartoon character people! I’m really proud I know how to draw hair now.

    I saw the video of Helen Keller on cosmeo. Mommy says she’s going to rent a movie on it for me. I would like to do my own story on Helen Keller.

  4. admin Avatar

    Cosmos, I decided to do an animation on Helen Keller, and do a real video of it too of the real story of Helen Keller.

    Once daddy rented me a video of a rabbit named Harvey. Harvey was a Puka who looked like a rabbit. Once he took a lady’s wallet and when she thought she’d lost it he put it back in her hand. Silly rabbit! I think Harvey might have taken my camera! Or maybe a gremlin did.

    Harvey is an old movie like Helen Keller.

  5. Oma Avatar

    I’ve been looking at lots of your work today. You have such a great imagination and your art work keeps improving! For some reason I hadn’t seen Elmo before. I really liked it. I liked the food revenge, too. The revenge my food exhibits is to make me gain weight!

    I’m sending several Mini Pages to you tomorrow and I think you’ll like some of them. One is about Beatrix Potter and another is about an author who writes children’s books, Susan Patron, and an illustrator of picture books for children, David Wiesner. He said he knew he wanted to be an artist by the time he was in the third grade. Sounds like a little boy I know! Wonder who?

    Love you,

  6. Oma Avatar

    I just saw your reply to me and was so glad to see it. I can’t imagine being able to draw hair. You should be very proud of yourself. I used to try to draw some and the only style I could draw for women was page boy (your mom can show you what that looked like.)

    Glad you’re going to do your own movie of Helen Keller. That will be quite a venture, but you can do it.