Category: 2011 Scratch

  • Felix the Cat’s History

    I always loved Felix the Cat, I didn’t know that much about the entire history of the little kitty. But thanks to the Felix the Cat website and Wikipedia I have a chunk of history about him. It is unknown who created him, but it begins with a prototype character named Master Tom. For unknown…

  • Art

    I have nothing to say. Why? Because it has the shortest most boring story. All it is that it was originally a boss fight but it became an abstract video. That’s all. WAIT! I said something. 🙁

  • I’m back!

    Poor poor putty cat. He’s running forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever. I’m back! YES! 🙂 I am back! And with a new Scratch project. It took me about 3 days, but take out half of the first day and…